bonjour....!  i know what you're all thinking: 'MEG WHERE LE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN????!"

Well fret not, dear readers. It wasn't blogger block- Je suis back af. I was busy as a mf -working hard. Hard work? Non, its not chic. Being Lazy is. 

unfortunately I am not Eloise. Even someone as glamorous and totally bohemian as moi has to make her way in this world. And some of the projects I was working on were actually semi cool lala and I will share them with you asap. Well maybe. I'm sure you nosy little effers are nowww wondering whaaat kind of projects. Half my jobs in June were fashion assisting gigs- but the others were styling, creating direction, and photography - related . Trust moi- baby acid reflux vom literally edges up my throat as I type that. I will NEVER identify or label moi self as a "creative". Im an artist-type. Not an artist. That's passé. And while im not going to say working in fashion is lame................................................

.... Anywayz. Lately I've been comparing myself not only to Audrey Hepburn- I've added Dorothy from le Wizard of Oz and Andy Warhol to my statements of delusions of grandeur. Saying ridiculous things is amazeballz. Not having a sense of humor, and being boring- isn't. Never let people trick you into believing that being quiet, self serious, or genuinely snobby is chic, either. If you can pull of being aloof- that might pass. But I (much like most of you!) will never, ever come off aloof. Everyone in New York seems to be obsessed with competing to try the least. Eff. dat. shit. If you live below 14th street, or in fucking BUSHWICK- im pretty sure you're trying pretty effing hard bitch!!!!!! If you've ever been to an art opening, spent more than 15 minutes getting dressed, or attended a party- get real and own it. Don't be a bore who can't enjoy life and acknowledge that they care about things. 

Obvi the tendency to exude jaded, classy-dgaf vibes is insecurity AF, elitism, and a lack of identity. Le cure? Embrace your insecurity and lack of identity. (Drop the elitism). Accentuate everything annoying and extreme about you- in New York we call this eccentricity. Be indulgent about it. In fashion we call this EDGY. (edgy is the word of the summer ) Pour example: you hate your nose. The way I see it you have only two options: 

-OPTION 1. Get a nose job and tell fucking everybody about it. Make yourself look pathetic trying to make it a "thing". Wear the cast in public. Photograph it excessively. Bring it up in every convo. You get the benefits of getting hotter and making everyone aware of it! And its just steezy. 

-OPTION 2. Do everything in your power to make your nose stand out. I swear to god you will encounter a model scout. I cant even begin to tell you how many times I have been asked to audition for or model as Meth-head chic, Heroin Chic, White Trash Party girl. Play to your strengthz peepz!!!!!!!

As far as the insecurity goes-  fake it. Just effing fake it. Learn to love yourself blabalablaaaaaaaaaa .. We all know how that goes. And  you know what?! There's nothing necessarily wrong with being fake sometimes. TO QUOTE COURTNEY LOVE: "I fake it so real, I am beyond fake". 

Take that how you will. 


Now back to MOI! 

 I've seriously been as busy as eff! The entire month of June I only had one full day off and I spent it getting absolutely shwwwasted . I barely even remember it- I just waz stressed, finished my day and met some friends at a faux open bar. After some drinks we started drinking a bottle of whiskey that was a freebee from a shoot. Then we went to Tompkins and hung out with a bunch of guys. Then I found a shark mask and wore it. THEN I hopped in a cab to chez Cameron's on le west side. Everything after that is a haze... aka 90 percent blackout, bitches! I do remember wasted-ly roaming the new creepy af, hunger games first district af, man-made island pods on the water and being asked to leave! Who knew they could kick you out of faux public (totally privately owned development) parks???! The GALL! I know that after that my friend and i trecked to my place. I woke up still fucked up, listened to Macklemore, and went to McDonalds. And wait- you know what... I actually had a night shoot!!!!! I didn't even have the day off! See what I mean???!

So here I am- on my first real day to myself in like 19 days. BLOGGING. I stay true to my lifestyle. I ran a few chic lil errands, spruced up the new pad, tried on my clothes- and hit le keyz. Also - its raining and it looks like  my party plans may be squashed.. but i digress...whatever that means.


auuussiiiiiiii... There was some crayballz personal drama that required a quick lil jaunt to new england for some r&r... but i cant share more info. I think its only appropriate to air my own dirty laundry and exploit my own bullshit on le blog (for now). We aleady know i cant afford the lawyer I need for my identification issue. I certainly cant afford one for a defamation lawsuit. And I dont want to have to see my therapist more than once a week because i've damaged my relationshipz. again.  

So- I guess I'll just show you pics from the trip: 

oui, je kissed my vax card! 


oui, just checking out le records at le record shop at le mall. Pati Smith. 


And here are some picz i dooo have from the last month. Most of them are just oufit checks as i cant keep a full length mirror without breaking it or having it stolen! I did, of course, find time to do whippets. 


And lastly- I wanted to share an amazing inspiration with all of you: PRUDENCE FARROW. 

She's famous pour being sister to Mia and the source of the song " dear Prudence" by le Beatles. OUI, this bitch was at an ashram or something in India (as a hipster did in those dayzzz) trying to talk to God and meditate. And the Beatles were also there and couldn't beliiiieve how much she holed away to meditate instead of hanging with them! I smell manic pixie dream girl...............!.. Anyhoo, legend goes- she wouldn't hang and le song was born. 

Obvi, dear Prudence had a fucking fantastic look: 

All the farrow sisters seemed to: 

Now, here's where things get even weirder than being an Alexa Chung of 1960-whatever.

Prudence Farrow had an affair with Robert Durst!! OUI. The rich bitch New Yorker who crossed dressed on le run as a hermit for many years after killing his first wife!! ANd then was exposed in that crayballz HBO doc made by the guys who made the fictionalized movie about him staring Ryan Gosling and effing Kirsten Dunst a few years earlier! 

Prudence has an affair with Robert right before he murdered his wife!!!!!!!!! Itz all good though- her partner didn't dump her for it- they're apparently still together. And im sure she still looks chic af. 



Further- I've decided to become a huge fan of le Beatles. Irony is the gateway to letting yourself be interested in things and enjoy them! 

here's an outfit inspired by being into le Beatles: 


Boho chic is passé by le way...... 


I hope you enjoyed my blablablaaaa's. After over trois weeks, it feels amaze to be back blabbing and blogging . 

Au revoir. 


Peace le fuck outttttttttttttttttttt! 


PS- I alsoooo i got recognized a few times from le blog these past few weeks! Im famous as fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


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