another haul lala peepz! i keep shopping bc i'm a compulsive person and live close to my favorite thrift shop where like everything is under $10. will any of these items see le light of a non corona day? maybe not... but its recycling, bitches!!!!!!!!! BUT FIRST..... here's what i think you should be getting ready for le spring: -books to carry around/fake read at le park. dont go so far as to like hold the book upside down, but def dont try hard to make it look believable. faux nerd swag only. -bubble dresses. -any sunglasses that aren't tiny influencer fuggly little slits. enough. -dumb chic flasks. maybe one with a mustache, rhinestones, kate moss , lit af on it.... you get le vibe. personally i've never found flasks to be big enough to carry a worthwhile amount of liquor...buuuut I'm always impresssd when someone pulls one out.... -CIGARETTES. especially those sexy little skinny ones. or like dunhills. the colored ones that used to be tumblr af. aestheticize ...