bumsters/ DMT ROCKS the house bitchezzzzzzzzzzz
Namaste everyone.
I am SO behind on updating le blog, apologies!
I'll keep this short and sweet................ I have a lot more blogs to churn out, Miss I and I have been killing it lately.
Miss I and I had a cute little drinks night, as we often do chez ..her place. She gifted moi one of her legendary SIZEZERO tops... here's the story: Miss I worked as the head seamstress of the factory/producer of the industry standard mannequins. (the factory is in this incredible warehouse space and we snuck back in last summer for an epic photoshoot- but thats another story).. anyways Miss I, the genius that she is, fashioned a bunch of garments out of the fabric laying around the mannequin place. Stamped with "SIZE ZERO, COLLAPSIBLE MODEL" , the fashion industry's true zero actually give quite a bit of stretch.
In a typically epic Miss I move, she showed up to China Chalet with these pieces last summer before closing, took over a table,and sold her stuff right there in the party. SUch a flex! Such swag! I don't know why people didn't think of this before. It was the perfect opportunity to sell sell sell! A bunch of people pretending to be bored, smoking cigs and staring at each other: it does actually get boring - and people need something to do to seem preoccupied once they finish their pack!
After a little boxed wine Miss I showed off her dance team skills. Then I was officially tipsy and popped to the bathroom to selfie swag, you know moi! look at that cheek suck!
.......... then a little ciggy break............
AND then BACK to le DRESSUP. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay BIG NEWS PEOPLE. ATTENTION s'il vous plait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss I completed her first mock up of BUMSTERS. if you dont know what bumsters are... google MCQUEEN.
I tried them on and they're KILLER , even pre-fitting. Im deffo buying a pair. and you will too if you know whats good for you!
Coming soon.
Are you getting the epic-ness??? ANd this really is only a sneak sneak sneak peak!
After the little bumsters celebration, outfit change for le theme of the night: DMT.
Obvi, this bitch had the perfect look for the plan (get high, meet God)
We drove to McDonalds. Promptly spilled le fries.
Quelle horreur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But fuck le fries, DMT time. I have some photos that will have to remain private , as lolz as they are, as low as readership is here on le blog, and is wack as my reputation may already be...I guess I just dont feel quite comfortable including images of glass roses on le blog! It was only for DMT purposes, but .... it is rather intense looking........
So here's my new friend instead! Isn't she cuute?
and then here's an epic hipster deli item::::
....and I'll just TELL you about my experience .
Dont, believe. the DMT. hype!!!!!!!!!
It was amazing but it wasn't something to be too worried about. As an anxious bitch, I really dont mess with psychedelics much. I consider them to be healthy and beneficial drugs when used sparingly...but I have learned ENOUGH about moi-self and DO NOT want to expand my mind, thank you very much!
So I was a bit nervy to try le DMT for the first time. I've been pretty mentally healthy lately/faux-ber and I don't want to mess that up! Plus everyone always makes DMT out to be some huge, looming big-deal drug. And let me just tell you- it isnt! its fab! Not scary at all! At least for moi... I like for trippy drugs to just wipe me out, I prefer to just be so high that I dont have time to freak out or be aware of myself. fuck thinking! Well le DMT did just that! It took a couple tries with le paraphernalia but I got where I wanted to go. I laid back, closed my eyes, and went through a visual journey through many rooms. Each room was a different psychedelic style and was very cool and I'd look around, then go through a door that would lead me to the same room, but with entirely different psych- art. Its a bit hazy but I remember seeing Eskimos at one point! After what felt like forever and no time at all, (prob around 10 minutes), I sat up and looked around and watched my walls come to life a bit and felt fab. And then it all faded away! No come down people. Utter swag.
I expected to like find the meaning of life or whatever and I was not sure I'd be able to handle it. So im really glad I didn't have a religious experience. I'm not ready for that. AParently you can get high enough to meet your ancestors or whatever, but im satisfied. I've never tripped that hard, but I've never had such an easy time with it.
Actuallly...... i think i may have tripped that hard before, but in a totally different way. Bascially I was given what I thought was similar toliquid Ket, but turned out to be what we called "Chemical X". I didnt expect to trip and all of a sudden was a grain of fabric in the rug I was sitting on......... but , thats another story. Let me know if you'd like to hear it some time!!!!!1
Until next time, dear readers! I cant wait to fill you in on the other stuff I've been up to! most of it is boring and bland, the world is still moving slow and we've got to try and be responsible ish!!!!!!!!! But, I have had the odd amazing experience, and I loveee to blab.
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