
Showing posts from October, 2020


                                                              NAMASTE AFFFF TOOK A SWAG, PEACEFUL ASS TRIP TO VISIT "X" IN NEW ENGLAND.  MY FRIEND WHO WE WILL CALL... "MISS DOODLEBOP" AND I TOOK THE MEGABUS FROM W 34TH STREET  OUR LUGGAGE  GOT THE WINDOW SEAT XOXOXO MCDONALDS BITCH X PICKED US UP FROM THE BUS IN BOSTON HOW CUTE ARE WE? SMOKERS CLUB IN LE GREAT OUTDOORS (MEDATATING) OOOH LALA ... im not totally sure but i think i saw a deer once it was nighttime!  HIKING VIBE. COMME CI COMME CA FAST FOWARD 12 (cozy) HOURS..........EARLY MORNING SHOPPING TRIP: CHIC BOOKSTORE.  GENIUS SECTION. X'S FAVE. imagine reading about math! FAKE READING. theres just something so chic about feigning intellectualism. i also think using big words incorrectly is rlly cute.  MY HAUL: FIRST EDITION HOLLYWOOD BABYLONG BY KEN...


10pm on a friday(?) night i arrived home from the city feeling exhausted.. i dont remember what i did that day (im sure it was bullshit and leisurely) . anyways and old friend *Iconica*(what we're calling her here) has finally rolled back into new york city after a long euro/southern usa excursion and was on her way to a roof party... i chugged a red bull zero sugar and a coors light and was out the door. the "party" in question was at a  brooklyn hipster building of lofts.. i had a shitty chat with some jean jacket girls who looked like college freshmen and made my way to the roof. obviously, the party fucking sucked. it was supposed to be a punk or noise show or something but was actually just a weird DJ who kept shouting at everyone and boring teenagers...   Miss Iconica was looking fab. here's her real nail/ glove/ ring combo.  Mati road tripped up to New York with her .. lover? Lets call her *Jeanette*   . They look fantastic together. She left pretty ...